Gouverneur Chamber of Commerce
53 Herm Towne Road Gouverneur, NY 13642
About the Chamber
Executive Director —Donna Besaw
President — Brooke Plowman
Vice President — Donna Lawrence
Emeritus Directors:
Curran & Dorothy Wade
Eldon Conklin
Carol Dier
Erin Cuseo, Gardenshare
Shari Barnhart
Shari Barnhart
Ray Babowicz
Michelle Blackburn
Diane Cocco
Chelsea Donovan
CJ Fitzgerald
Christian Gillan
Tim Reddick
Melissa Simione
​Connie Stowell
Tim Reddick
Donna Besaw
Donna Lawrence
Melissa Simione
Annual Award of Merit
Donna Lawrence
Christian Gillan
Tim Reddick
Flag Day Parade
Connie Stowell
Brooke Plowman
CJ Fitzgerald
Donna Besaw
Christian Gillan
Melissa Simione
Fair Booth Committee
CJ Fitzgerald
Melissa Simione
Brooke Plowman
Michelle Blackburn
Christian Gillan
County Chamber
Christmas Parade
Diane Cocco
Tim Reddick
CJ Fitzgerald
Ray Babowicz
Donna Besaw
Donna Lawrence
Christian Gillan
Michelle Blackburn
Melissa Simione
Annual Chamber Banquet
Connie Stowell
Dianne Cocco
CJ Fitzgerald
Donna Besaw
Donna Lawrence
Christian Gillan
Connie Stowell
Ray Babowicz
CJ Fitzgerald
Christian Gillan
Melissa Simione
Donna Besaw
Ray Babowicz
Tim Reddick
Sponsored by the Gouverneur Chamber
Our Gouverneur
Gouverneur is the only town of this name in the entire United States. Located in the lowlands of the Adirondack region, along the banks of the Oswegatchie River, Gouverneur is home to expanses of beautiful farmland and many crystal clear lakes.
Located within easy distance to the Adirondack Mountain Park and the St. Lawrence River, the region is the international area of New York State. A popular vacation destination, it includes the Thousand Islands, the St. Lawrence Seaway, and Lake Ontario.
Four nearby colleges offer education, cultural events, and intellectual opportunities. Fort Drum, home to the 10th Mountain Division as well as fabulous scenery and excellent quality of life make the Gouverneur area a great place to visit or relocate. Gouverneur is also home to the Gouverneur St. Lawrence County Fair.
Our picturesque village park is host to regular Farmer's Markets, Antiques in the Park and Oktoberfest events. The village park is bordered by churches, the library, the Gouverneur Museum and main street shops. And, of course, the giant Life Savers in the Village Park is always a conversation starter.
Gouverneur offers a thriving business climate, excellent hospital, and a small-town atmosphere. Gouverneur is business-friendly, home to large companies like Cives, Kinney Drugs, and also many wonderful small businesses.

The Gouverneur Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit, member organization that works to promote economic vitality and prosperity in the Gouverneur area. Our mission is to encourage community growth by promoting tourism and local business. We value a healthy and productive economic community, a high quality of life, and efficient and sustainable business practices.
The Chamber is financed primarily through membership dues. However, during the course of each year a number of fundraising events and projects are held to generate additional revenues.